
From WinWolf3D/WDC

Before you can define an object item, you must define the object type, which are derived from the Object Classes.


AddType typename objectclass [bonus]

Valid in


  • The typename cannot be a reserved word because the typename is converted to a variable that you can use in the AddObject, DropItem, and DropWeapon commands. You do not need to worry about the actual value of that gets assigned. You can use the name for those commands.
  • The bonus can be any number between 1 and 100000.
    • The bonus is ignored by the oc_normal, oc_solid, and oc_life classes.
    • For oc_lowhealth and oc_health, the bonus sets how much health the item gives the player.
    • For the oc_key class, bonus sets the key number given to the player by the object type.
    • The bonus for oc_treasure is just the score added when an object of this time is picked up.
    • Bonus for oc_ammo object classes sets how much ammunition the player receives.
    • Bonus sets which weapon is given for oc_weapon classed types.