Color Types

From WinWolf3D/WDC

These values are used by SetColor inside the GameInfo Block.

Name Description Default
ct_background The menu background color. @2d
ct_backhighscore The background color for the high score screen. @29
ct_border The menu border color. @23
ct_disabled The color used for disabled menu options. @2b
ct_enabled The color used for enabled menu options that are not selected. @17
ct_intermission The color use for the background on the intermission and victory statistics screens. @7f
ct_menucaption The menu caption text color. @23
ct_messagetext The text color for confirmation boxes. @00
ct_readthis Color for the Read This menu item when not selected. @4a
ct_selected The color used when a menu option is selected. @13
ct_selreadthis Color for the Read This menu option when selected. @47


  • Since these have default values, you do no need to script them unless they're different.