WDC Changelog
From WinWolf3D/WDC
1.16.x Releases
- Fixed the 'Invalid Property Value' error when creating a new project on a clean install. (Havoc)
- The Multiple file exporter now recognizes music chunk names correctly.
- Fixed a problem with IMF playback that caused playback to cut off. (russelmusic91)
- Map tile information can now show both the icon and the graphic at the same time and can be a separate window. (Martin Eyre)
- Corrected C7 Disk, C7 CD, and OBC map definition files. (Martin Eyre)
- Massive redesign of the map tile area on the right of the map editor.
- New functionlity in the map symbol editor.
- Can change the graphics number for multiple items simultaneously.
- Can change the name for multiple items simultaneously.
- Can change the type for multiple items simultaneously.
- Added an "Advanced" menu for changing item sequences of items.
- Added Find to Edit menu
- Added more shapes: large cross, small plus, large plus
- Added ability to add multiple sound names at once.
- Combined and rearranged the Map Options and Map Tools menus.
- Exporting a picture now uses the selected palette. (Martin Eyre)
- Renamed Operation Body Count palette files. (Martin Eyre)
- Added C7 Map Load screen palette. (Martin Eyre)
- Various bug fixes. (Hair machine, agent87, blacklion, Martin Eyre)
1.15.x Releases
- The map tile selection list on the right is now a homebrew image listbox control for better displaying and it now gets taller as the window is resized. (B.J. Rowan and others)
- The map tiles list can now be ordered. (KyleRTCW, B.J. Rowan)
- There's a new map symbol editing screen, which is also where you can change the map tile list order.
- The map symbol editor, palette box, and selected color box is now from another homebrew control: WDCColorBox.
- Fixed the direction for object codes 147 and 213 in the SDM, SOD, SOD2, SOD3, WL1, and WL6 map definitions. (Maex)
1.14.x Releases
- Added Wolf4SDL palette import and export support. (Ripper)
- Added Wolf4GW palette import support.
- Added the ability to ignore the MAXACTORS and MAXSTATS values when error checking because ports don't have this limit. (AlumiuN)
- Added the ability to ignore the 64k maximum VGAGRAPH chunk size because ports don't have this limit. This is found in "Other Options" in "Project Information". (AlumiuN)
- Fixed "Save As BMP" when the palette editor is run independently. (Andy_Nonymous)
- Fixed a problem when compiling a VGAGRAPH with small images. (insurrectionman)
- Fixed compiling of maps that are 128x128 and have 8 planes. (AlumiuN)
- Fixed a sound loading bug. (agent87, Tricob)
- Disabled the graphics related menu items when on the third plane (and higher) in the map symbol editor. (agent87)
- WDC now notifies you if you appear to be converting a hi-res project to lo-res. (Tricob)
- Removed the separate progress form so that all forms can be opened without having to loop until closed.
- Fixed the random map generator position. (Cleveland Rock)
- Fixed a bug that would occur when using the Sound Wizard to import a sound while open to a sound frame and then selecting the new sound. (BrotherTank)
- Added the ability to show ambush floors without showing allow floors.
- Fixed the door count shown in the map information screen.
- Made the map tool tip editor more flexible. You can now set map tool tips for any tile on the map.
- Added a map definition file for Catacomb Apocalypse (APC.wmc), courtesy of Ringman.
- Export palettes in Wolf4GW's Gamepal3d.cpp format should now work. (insurrectionman)
- You can now export signon BMPs to Wolf4GW's signon.cpp format. (insurrectionman)
- I also added the ability to export palettes to 256x256 palette square BMPs.
- Added playback support for large IMF files using Ripper's IMFLib.dll 1.7.
- IMFLib.dll is now used to play adlib sounds.
- Fixed the update checking code to work with the new site layout.
- You can now export palettes in Wolf4GW's Gamepal3d.cpp format. (insurrectionman)
- Changed the "Dead Guard" object type to "Other Actor", added it to "Map Information" and made it count toward the actor total. (WSJ)
- Map Information now shows the total actor, static, and door count on the window rather than as a tooltip. (WSJ)
- Symbol names did not load correctly when TILE16s were used. (James Robinson)
- Updated the Catacomb 3D WMC and added one for Catacomb Abyss.
- Added Wall Shading checkbox
- Clicking empty map object item no longer causes an error. (wolfwhips)
- Now remembers the given font test string. (Tricob)
- Added a raw VSWAP data function for use with WinWolf3D.
- Redesigned the project information window so it has pseudo-tabs like the preferences window.
- Added flag for having 'strafe' values in demos.
- Demo files now display correctly.
- It now handles palettes that contain values that aren't multiples of 4 better than before. (insurrectionman)
- Map Difficulty Adjust is now called from teh Map Difficulty screen, not the main screen.
- Map Difficulty can now show all maps at once.
- Fixed a map export bug introduced in the previous version. (TheTalentedMrLeo)
- Can now change to extended map names (32 characters).
- Move "Show Walls", "Show Floors" to a separate form accessible via Map Options->View Options
- Several minor changes relating to how tile information is shown when in a byte edit mode.
- Fixed the Ctrl-Alt-1,2,3,I keyboard shortcuts.
- Fixed map shortcuts so they don't work when the map is not visible.
- Added shortcuts for byte modes: Ctrl-N/H/L.
- Fixed a bug with GAMEPAL.OBJ palette importing. (Spiritblade-inc)
- The palette editor can now same GAMEPAL.OBJ files directly.
- GAMEPAL.OBJ support moved inside of the WolfData.dll.
- Replacement palettes are now used when using alternative palettes for pictures. (Haasboy)
- New palettes are now compiled correctly. (KyleRTCW and Haasboy)
- The alternative palette list is now built correctly. (Haasboy)
- Fixed a bug that allowed to edit maps in read only mode.
- Corrected the included WMC files. (Havoc)
- Convert replacement files to Hi-Res. (Conner94)
- Fixed the wall scroll bar.
- Complete redesigned Map Tile Count screen.
- Find code is remembered when "Find" is used again.
- VGADICT now gets backed up to the correct spot (not the root of the drive).
- The map symbol editor's graphics selector works properly again. (KyleRTCW)
- Added map point calculation to the map difficulty screen.
- Fixed map difficulty calculation
- Added a demo*.* filter for demo selection.
- Added a demo viewer.
- Map colors can now be changed. (KyleRTCW)
- "Add chunk to end" now works with the AUDIOT sections.
- Fixed some other AUDIOT-related bugs
- The map tile tooltip screen works again.
- Added mass replace functionality to the map tools menu.
- The install package can now take you straight to the VB6 runtime files download page if necessary.
- The updater menu item now works with the new web site.
- Fixed a map error checking/auto floor bug that would cause WDC to lock. (ack)
- Opening a palette file with WDC from explorer no longer raises an error. (Haasboy)
- Fixed several palette editor bugs. (Haasboy)
- Palette PSP3 files are now saved correctly again.
- Made some window icon adjustments.
- The GAMEPAL.OBJ file can now be built from additional palette file types. (Hair Machine)
- Fixed several bugs that would stop WDC from working. (Conner94, Haasboy)
- Added the ability to convert all BMPs to the current palette. (Metal Overlord)
- The ENDART viewer no longer shows an additional line at the bottom. (Chris)
- You can now change the font height. (Haasboy)
- Going to the project information screen and clicking OK would cause all map changes to be lost. WDC now requires you to save your map changes before going to that screen.
- The manual entry tool works correctly in high-byte mode.
- Fixed the snap-to draw for PC/Adlib sounds when not looking at the start of the sound.
- No more picMap_MouseMove area when starting WDC (again). (James Robinson)
- The AUDIOT file has been split into three screens for clarity.
- Several large GUI changes.
- Drastic changes to the menu arrangement.
- Added the "Sound Tools" menu.
- Added the "Picture Tools" menu.
- Added the "Import/Export" menu.
- Slight change to the sound chunk name edit screen. (You double-click to edit now.)
- Added an "Add New Sound" wizard.
- Added a sound prioritizing screen.
- Added an automatic AUDIO*.H file generator.
- Added an automatic wolfdigimap enum generator.
- The map count now includes the entire map, not just the viewed area. (Chris)
- The map count now updates when using the pencil tool.
- No more falsely added "new palette" rows to the palette list when viewing VGAGRAPH pictures.
- Added the ability to save palettes to other palette file formats.
- Added Help menu items that link to the homepage and forum.
- XWE's palette file structure is actually Photshop's palette file structure. (Metal Overlord)
- Greatly improved the PC and adlib sound editors. Now you simply draw the sound on the screen.
- Added the ability to import PC to adlib sounds and adlib to PC sounds.
1.13.x Releases
- The map square now disappears again when the mouse is not over the map area.
- Adding maps works again. (ack)
- No more picMap_MouseMove area when starting WDC. (ack)
- Minor bug fix in the map code "find" dialog box.
- Now supports JASC8 palette files. (Hair Machine)
- Now supports XWE's palette files.
- Fixed a msgbox-related "view data files" bug. The MsgBox did not recognize that is was related to the main window.
- Switched to a different "MouseLeft" tracking method.
- The "Find Map Code" screen can now also replace codes. (ack)
- The BMP Editor now display the current pixel's color in the position area.
- Added "Save As" functionality to the BMP Editor.
- Fixed faulty "Bad backup file number" errors while compiling files other than GAMEMAPS.
- GAMEMAPS/MAPHEAD backups are now multi-leveled for better map data protection. (ack)
- Moved some map-related menu items from the Edit menu to the Map Options menu.
- A map draw bug when drawing objects with the pencil tool was fixed. (havoc)
- Can now search addition planes. (James Ingham)
- Importing maps with less planes than the current project contains will now clear the other planes. (Ack)
- A small map draw bug was fixed.
- Moved the map draw options from the map info frame to the new Map Options menu.
- Removing walls and sprite actually reduces the number of VSWAP chunks.
- Switching edit planes will redraw the map to reflect the current edit byte mode and edit plane.
- Fixes a map resizing bug. (Conner94)
- WDC will now actually show up for a fresh install. (andy3012)
- Tiles that have been toggled off are no longer drawn when drawing over a tile that has one. (Conner94)
- Map drawing strangeness was fixed. (havoc, Conner94)
- No more Resouce 399 errors when the GAMEMAPS files is compiled for new projects. (Haasboy)
- Plane 4+ symbols are now stored correctly in the WMC file.
- Fixed the ability to view EGA games.. again. (James Robinson)
- Added the ability to have up to 8 map planes.
- WDC now has a high- and low-byte editing mode. (Idea from Ripper)
1.12.x Releases
- File->Import Multiple Files now supports hi-res images. (For use with Ripper's tutorial)
- WDC no longer offers to convert the textures to hi-res if hi-res output is checked and no output folder is given.
- Added a map code search tool.
- Added Edit->Map Tile ToolTips for adding tooltips that appear when you hover over a tile on the top row of a map.
- File->Test Project is no longer available when a test program has not been specified. (Conner94)
- Fixed a bug that happened when you added maps.
- Added hi-res (128x128) texture/sprite support so that it can be used in conjunction with Ripper's hi-res code tutorial.
1.11.x Releases
- Several errors that occurred when WDC is first installed were fixed. (ack)
- The Error.log reports the error number and description again. (ack)
- A map symbol loading bug was fixed. (ack)
- Changed the plane cut selection screen to use a message box.
- Added the "Temporary Wall" object type so that object tiles can determine whether or not a wall will stop an area. Used by auto-flooring.
- Fixes some compilation issues.
- Added a better VSWAP compression algorithm
- Other bug fixes.
- The project file structure changed drastically.
- Fixed a bug that would cause some FloEdit-modified VGAGRAPH files to raise errors when opened. (KyleRTCW)
- You can now make folders from the folder select view. (KyleRTCW)
- Added MAXACTORS, MAXSTATS, and MAXDOORS settings to the Project Information screen so they can be adjusted. Error checking maps will compare against these values.
- Fixed the ability to view EGA games. (James Robinson)
- Other bug fixes.
1.10.x Releases
- Palette analysis will now actually look at your added files.
- Added the ability to fix doubled palettes to the palette analyzer - USE WITH CAUTION.
- Added a screen that scans picture files to see how often palette colors are used and informs you of repeated palette colors. View->Analyze Palette
- When editing a VGAGRAPH BMP, the palette grid tooltips show how many compression bits the color needs.
- You can now rebuild the VGADICT file to match you data and make VGAGRAPH smaller. File->Rebuild VGADICT
- Some minor bug fixes.
- EGA-based graphics are now exported to 16-color BMPs.
- Includes several other bug fixes.
- Added solid arrows and ASCII characters to the map symbol editor's shape menu.
- Error checking now looks for phantom door slot errors. (ZuljinRaynor)
- VSWAP compilation is disabled for EGA-based games because they don't have VSWAP files. (James Robinson)
- Fixed a VSWAP sound compilation issue that would sometimes cause WAVs to become clicking sounds. (XgThug)
- Fixed a VSWAP sound compilation issue caused by adding one sound that would raise an error while compiling.
- Added the ability to insert multiple files. Edit->Insert Multiple Files.
- No longer reloads the project after importing/inserting multiple chunks - just reloads the current view.
- Changing sections in the multi-chunk importer will now ask if you want to save your changes first instead of just clearing them.
- Adding a map to the end no longer causes an error. (Hair Machine)
- Other minor bug fixes.
- WDCMapData.* files are now *.wmc files and are found in the MapDefs sub folder. (BrotherTank)
- MEDC was updated to reflect WMC change.
- A VSWAP compilation bug introduced in 1.9.256 was fixed.
- A shape menu was added to the map symbol editor for quicker symbol creation.
- File->Import multiple chunks is not available during read only mode.
1.9.x Releases
2004-10-07 (Beta version)
- Uses an update IMFLib.DLL for better IMF/adlib support. (BrotherTank, Ripper)
- Fixed a bug in CatBuster that occured when a folder was viewed, which extracts the needed files from the EXE, and then edited. The EXE was not being decompressed in the output folder. (James Robinson)
- Fixed a HuffmanCompress error that would occur when compiling the AUDIO files for Catacombs 3D and the trilogy.
- Can now compile wall/sprite/digital sound data for the Corridor 7 games and Operation BodyCount.
- Fixed a bug that truncated the first external sound for the Corridor 7 games and Operation BodyCount.
- Auto convert WAVs to Wolf3D format. (Hair Machine)
- Added VGAGRAPH pictures can now be show up in the ENDART viewer. (Majik Monkee)
- The ENDART viewer no longer tells you there's another page when there is text after the ^E. (Majik Monkee)
- Fixes the WAV ouput lockup problem introduced in 1.9.245. (BrotherTank)
- Added a debug.log that can be turned out from the Preferences screen.
- Improved the font editor. You can now DRAW the letter instead of clicking the dots about times per character.
- Improved error handling so that WDC will hopefully not crash with a run-time error.
- Hopefully made some improvements to the adlib player to hopefully stomp some bugs here.
- Fixed a few graphics listings in some WDCMapData files. (TheTalentedMrLeo)
- Adding VSWAP Sounds works again.
- Running a user tool now calls the default action. (ie: VDMSound's VLP files will now run.) (Merthsoft)
- The multi-file importer initial folder listing now matches the displayed path.
- Compiling the AUDIOT file when chunks were removed no longer raises a "subscript out of range error".
- Compiling the VSWAP file when chunks were removed no longer raises a "subscript out of range error".
- Corrected the tooltip text for the "insert at the end" button.
- Adding a font won't cause VGAGRAPH compilation to raise an error. (Haasboy)
- The statistics window now subtracts removed chunks in the total.
- The compilation status window now includes the load progress in the overall completion percentage so it's smoother. It also tells you when it's loading and compiling.
- Adding a new way of detecting how many font chunks are in the VGAGRAPH. Hopefully this doesn't cause problems.
- The BMP edit screen won't bomb out when outside of the drawing region when drawing rectangles.
- The Windows 98/IMFLib crash on exit bug has been fixed - removed event hooking.
- The installer no longer warns about the VB runtime DLLs being old. (ZuljinRaynor)
- Added a sprite index. (Haasboy).
- The standalone ENDART editor no longer tries to show a preview since it doesn't know of a VGAGRAPH file. (The_EgAt)
- The rectangle tool in the BMP editor works better now when the button is released while the pointer is not over the image. (The_EgAt)
- Another attempt at fixing the "Object not set" error which occured when typing a new ENDART chunk. This one should do it. (The_EgAt)
- You can actually type in the ENDART editor now without it going back to the top of the page.
- The ENDART editor now word wraps. (Sockman)
- The ENDART viewers now reposition the chunk text viewer/editor to the page location when scrolling to a different page. (Sockman)
- Added a side-by-side viewer to the BMP editor for wall editing. (Sockman)
- Fixed an infinite loop that was locking up WDC when trying to play an imported VSWAP sound. (Sockman)
- The Adlib Sound current position display updates again.
- Now uses the latest version of IMFLib.DLL in hopes of fixing the Windows 95/98 crash when WDC exits.
- Another attempt at fixing the "Object not set" error which occured when typing a new ENDART chunk. (The_EgAt)
- No more "clsVGAGraph.ConvertTextToFont" errors for Operation BodyCount. (Haasboy)
- Now includes all the Operation BodyCount palettes from the EXE file. (Haasboy)
- WDC now checks for updates at startup. This can be disabled in File->Preferences.
- The ENDART viewer works with Commander Keen games.
- Better support for Blake Stone ENDART chunks, but still not even close to perfect.
- Fixed placement of the ENDART viewers when maximizing/restoring the window. (The_EgAt)
- Hopefully fixed the "Object not set" error which occured when typing a new ENDART chunk. (The_EgAt)
- Added some error handling to the ENDART viewer code.
- Changed the ENDART draw routines so that they are faster.
- The ENDART viewer now does Blake Stone's palette-driven pulsing.
- Added a time out limit to the updater module to prevent potential lock ups.
- Changed the whole map difficulty screen and added a way to adjust the values for each object.
- Updated the WL1, WL6, SDM, and SOD WDCMapData files.
- Included the WDCMapData files for SOD: The Lost Episodes (SOD2 and SOD3).
- Added a primitive random map maker. Just click the "Rnd" button next to the map plane selection buttons.
- Added the Elevator wall type to the map symbol editor.
- Added an 'All Map Files' filter to the map import dialog.
- Edit->Insert works for maps again.
- The reporting that the base and output folders are the same when they aren't reappeared and was fixed (again).
- Added a note about playing edited versions of the CD version of Corridor 7 to the help file.
- The Edit Data menu item is no longer enabled when a BMP editor has not been given.
- Added help menus to several edit screens and the project information screen.
- A simple graphics editor has been added. (James Ingham)
- Made another attempt at fixing the mystery IMF bug on Windows 98 machines.
- The Wolf3D/SOD Sound Guide was added to the help file. Thanks to Sockman for typing up most of the descriptions. (Sockman)
- The AUDIO and AUDIOHED files can now be compiled for the EGA games.
- Added the following tools to the graphics editor: Unlimited Undo/Redo, Fill, Rectangle, Rectangle Outline, Color Pick and Cut/Copy/Paste.
- Added an ENDART viewer. (James Ingham)
- Updated the ENDART page in the help file.
- The ENDART viewer partially works with Blake Stone.
1.8.x Releases
- Fixed WAV file loading so that it supports various file structures.
- Added a "Show original position" preference.
- Fixed a bug in the sprite section of the multiple chunk importer. (ZuljinRaynor)
- The file graphic now shows up in the multiple chunk import screen.
- You can now check for updates by going to "Help->Update".
- BMP compiling was fixed. (The_EgAt)
- The FARTAG, ENDTAG, and RLEWTAG values are reset to their defaults when creating a new project.
- Added a quick 'View Data' option to the file menu that allows you to view data files without setting up a project. It sets up a temporary project file for you. (Sockman)
- No longer makes unnecessary file copies when the output extension is different from the base data file extension.
- BMP loading was fixed. (The_EgAt)
- The FARTAG, ENDTAG, and RLEWTAG values can now be changed.
- Now catches when compressed VGAGRAPH chunks that are larger that 64K and gives an error.
- Fixed the palette files so that they will actually work in Paint Shop Pro.
- The corridor 7 palette file has been corrected.
- The EXE selection dialog boxes work correctly again.
- You can now perform color-matching on BMPs with a different palette. This is at Edit->Save With Current Palette.
- WDC detects what game type are editing and sets compilation, map sizing, and add/remove chunk options accordingly so you no longer have to guess.
- No more crappy grids. Went back to using listboxes because I found out how to set column sizes better.
- The sound drawing routine is a bit faster.
- Added a multiple file importer for VGAGRAPH pictures, all VSWAP chunk types, and all AUDIOT chunk types. (ZuljinRaynor)
- You can now view the chunk compressed size in the program so that sizing issues can be seen before compiling the data. (Ripper)
- No more "Path not found" errors when a project with a non-existent output folder is opened. (Ripper)
- You can now preview you font by typing in some text. Some other font code was changed
- Fixed a problem loading FloEdit VGAGRAPH files. Hopefully this doesn't break something else. (Mega Luigi)
- "Export to file" is no longer available when that chunk type does not exist.
- The text boxes on the "original" side of the "Area Names" frame are now locked so they cannot be changed. There will be some text boxes on the "replacement" side eventually.
- The masked image for masked EGAGRAPH pictures now displays correctly.
- There is now a specific 'Clear' button on the map symbol editor.
- Map editing with Tile16s works correctly now.
- Editing the map while zoomed in looks correct again.
- Fixed some strange grid behavior when adding WAV sounds.
- The sound draw routine is faster now and is also called when a sound is added.
- Holding SHIFT down while clicking in the "export multiple chunks" screen now selects a range.
- CatBuster now repackages extracted files back into the EXE.
- The game compatibility chart was updated.
- There are now three levels of graphics caching: Load on demand - stay in memory (default), pre-cache, and Load on demand - remove from memory.
- Fixed a bug when save maps as BMPs.
- FIX: Edit->Map Zoom is no longer enabled when not looking at maps.
- Hopefully fixes automation errors that can sometimes occur when moving the mouse around while the program loads. (Majik Monkee)
- Rotating a map by 180 degrees works again.
- You can now save map prefab structures. (Gex)
- Sprites can be flipped horizontally with one click.
- WAV sounds are now drawn onto the screen.
- Command line arguments can be used to open individual editors (palette, end screen, etc).
- You can now choose to associate WDC with ADL, RSD, WSF, PAL, and PC file types.
- Double-clicking any file of an associated file type will open WDC to the correct editor.
- Shortcuts were added to the install script for easy access to the individual editors.
- Using internal VGAGRAPH palettes for viewing VGAGRAPH images works again.
- Internal VGAGRAPH palettes now change when graphics are precached. NOTE: VGAGRAPH images are not precached with the internal palette. They will be reloaded with the new palette upon viewing.
- Loading EGA data with graphics precaching enabled will no longer cause WDC to lock up.
- Fixed the install script so that UNP is installed correctly.
- Restored Tile8s will no longer cause a runtime error when you return to the Tile8 screen. (ZuljinRaynor, Haasboy)
- Projects with restored Tile8s will now compile correctly. (ZuljinRaynor, Haasboy)
- Tile16s are loaded on-demand when used for maps. This reduces the load time when using this feature considerably!*
- Made some code changes to saving maps as BMP, but I doubt there was any improvement.
- Hopefully fixed some grid problems. (Gex, Hair Machine)
- Hopefully fixed a sound playback issue that would cause WDC to go crazy. (Gex)
- All V/EGAGRAPH data is loaded: including Tile8M, sprite, Tile16, Tile16M, Area Name, and Misc chunks. (Andrew Durdin, Sockman)
- All Operation BodyCount sounds load. It has the original Wolf3D sounds in GFXTILES, but uses the sounds in AUDIOMUS. (WSJ)
- The map screen can also use the Tile16/Tile16Ms to draw the map and save it as a BMP file.
- Non-64x64 maps now save to BMP correctly.
- The EGAGRAPH changes improve the read support for Catacomb 3D, the Catacomb Trilogy, Commander Keen 4-6, and the Wolf3D Alpha.
- Some warnings can now be shut off from the Preferences screen. (WSJ)
- You can setup your map code view preference as decimal or hexadecimal in the Preferences screen.
- CatBuster.ini has been updated to include Warning and Error messages for some games that don't load properly.
- Added a "Manual Entry" map tool so that you can enter map codes on-the-fly.
- Added a "Misc chunk" viewer that's basically a hex viewer.
- Now includes a WDCMapData file for Super Noah's Ark 3-D, (Andy_Nonymous)
- Unknown chunks are now shown as hex numbers while in Tile16M view for maps.
1.7.x Releases
- The Wolf3D Alpha loads correctly again. (Sockman)
- No more "Object variable or With block variable not set" when loading. It was trying to check the WAV player when it hadn't been created.(Sockman)
- Immediate IMF-switching should no longer hold notes from the previous song. (Hair Machine)
- Corridor 7 sounds load now.
- Codetech84 made a cool splash screen for WDC. You can also see it in Help->About. (Codetech84)
- WDC should no longer try to open non-existant projects upon startup. The MRU list has been modified.
- UNP is external again so that it can be used outside of WDC.
- FIX: Deleting a chunk and re-inserting a file over the chunk would cause the chunk to still be deleted.
- FIX: The extra plane hover graphic is updated correctly when the mouse moves over the map.
- The maximum map code is now 65535 instead of 512. No more ERROR tiles for Blake Stone, etc. Map codes without a symbol are marked "UNKNOWN".
- It now warns if adding a 256 color BMP with a different palette. (Sockman)
- It now warns if adding a sprite with no transparent pixels. (Sockman)
- It now warns if adding a sprite that has pixels in the left- or right-most columns. (Sockman)
- All graphics are now shown using the selected palette, or the Wolf3D palette if none are selected.
- Now loads the AUDIOT list correctly for FloEdit-made files. (Hair Machine)
- Added PC Sound playback to the audio screen and the PC sound editor.
- Catacomb 3D's WDCMapData is now complete and included.
- Redesigned the map difficulty screen to give more useful information.
- Added an adlib sound editor.
- Added a PC speaker sound editor.
- Using the rectangle tools and releasing the mouse button off the left or top of the map no longer causes WDC to bomb. (idclev)
- Beefed up compilation error handling... especially when backing up files.
- The output and base folders are not incorrectly called the same when they end with the same subfolder name. (idclev)
- Adlib sound playback should now be correct.
- Adlib playback stops when you switch to a digi sound. (Sockman)
- Flipping map planes 3 and 1 works correctly. (Ripper)
- More integration with the help file. Pressing F1 takes you to more context-sensitive help.
- Added better error handling for compiling GAMEMAPS and the adlib screen.
- Separated the Maps and Map Symbols sections in the help file.
- Clean up the rotate map code to use one main procedure instead of three very similar procedures.
- Map rotation can now be performed on non-square maps.
- Adlib sounds are now played using an adlib sound to IMF file hack.
- GAMEMAPS compilation errors are now reported.
- Added error handling for adding chunks to the adlib table to track down a nasty bug. (Hair Machine, Gex)
- Fixed a VSWAP Sound bug introduced in v1.7.192. (Sockman, Hair Machine)
- Added "Play IMF on Move" to the preferences screen. (Sockman)
- Rearranged the Preferences screen.
- IMF playback is more stable.
- Make the + and - keys zoom the map in and out. (Sockman)
- Added a button for Add Chunk at End. (Sockman)
- Added an "Other Tools" section in the help file for IMFConverter, WinTextract, and RecolorBMP. (Sockman)
- The "Pick Tile" map tool now switches back to the previous map tool automatically. This could be made a setting in the preferences window.
- Map errors are now highlighted in the map. You can adjust this in the preferences screen.
- Fixed an auto-flooring/"multiple floors in a room" error checking bug.
- You can now clear clipboard selections (one-at-a-time or all-at-once).
- Fixed a bug with the multiple map export screen.
- There are now edit buttons beside the 'replacement file' name. (James Ingham)
- IMFs can now play! Thanks to Ripper's IMFLib.dll.
- Added more graphical play/stop buttons.
- Export multiple maps to BMP.
- The AUDIOT and VSWAP Sound names are back again. (Sockman, Hair Machine)
- Added keys 5-8 to the Map Symbol editor. (Haasboy)
- Deleted Demo, AudioT, and VSWAP Sound chunks are now marked correctly when the program loads.
- VSWAP and AUDIOT should compile correctly now. (Hair Machine)
- You can now remove any data chunk from any file. (KyleRTCW)
- FIX: You can no longer set up replacement files when in read only mode.
- Added: "Export" button in the upper right corner. (KyleRTCW, James Ingham)
- Added: "Add Chunk" button in the upper right corner. (James Ingham)
- Exporting AUDIOT chunks now defaults to the correct chunk type's file extension. (Sockman)
- Smoother WAV playback. (Sockman)
- A "Play sound on move" checkbox on the preferences screen. (Sockman)
- You can also select what device to play the sound on. The default is WAVE Mapper, which will play sounds through your system's default device.
- Hopefully bypasses an "Unable to create AutoRedraw" error that was received on a Windwos 98 machine with 128 MB RAM. (Mega Luigi)
- Sockman verified that Blake Stone 1 and 2 VSWAPs compiled correctly.
- Now loads the rest of the Blake Stone VGAGRAPH chunks. (Sockman)
- Noticed that Blake Stone was JAMP chunks... no clue what they do though. They are ignored for now.
- Ability to add VGAGRAPH chunks of a type that wasn't there previously (palette chunks to WL6, Tile8 to Tile8-less files).
- One-click restoration of the Tile8 chunk. (ZuljinRaynor)
- Image and sound preview when inserting BMP or WAV files. (Hair Machine)
- Added the error message guide to the help file and WDC gives context-sensitive help for error messages.
- Fixed a "LoadSymbols - Can't create AutoRedraw image" error. (MegaLuigi)
1.6.x Releases
- The statistics screen now has the correct totals for non-picture VGAGRAPH data.
- FIX: No more weird graphics when drawing on the map with the pencil on a zoom mode greater than 1. (Sockman)
- You can set up WDC to precache all the graphics when it loads your project so graphics appear instantly while scrolling. (Sockman)
- Adlib and VSWAP sounds are given a more meaningful label. To edit the labels, go to Edit->Chunk Names. These labels are stored in the WDCMapData files. (Sockman)
- View mode is now called "Read only" mode in the caption.
- Map Tools->Edit Map Symbols is now Edit->Map Symbols. This means it can now be accessed from read only mode.
- The Super Noah's Ark 3D palette is now included in the install package.
- The Tile8 chunk is now shown as a single picture.
- The Tile8 chunk can now be extracted and replaced.
- Cut Plane and Copy Plane now have shortcuts and pop up a selection window.
- Error checking won't bomb when map codes are higher than 512.
- CatBuster now works with the CD version of Corridor 7. (Vermil)
- Fix: CatBuster no longer checks for the existence of UNP.EXE since that file is now compiled into CatBuster.exe. (Vermil)
- Added some advanced map tools: Flip Planes, Cut Plane, and Copy Plane.
- WDC now attempts to recover as much data as possible from corrupted GAMEMAPS files.
- CatBuster is now incorporated inside of WDC so that it will automatically extract files from the EXE files it recognizes.
- FIX: EndScreens compile correctly again.
- FIX: No more mysterious "Internal palette #0" in the palette list for VGAGRAPH graphics.
- Tile8, EndArt and ReadThis chunk locations (in the top-right corner of the program) were not displaying correctly.
- CatBuster now has UNP compiled right into it.
- Better support for FloEdit-altered VGAGRAPH files.
- Non-picture VGAGRAPH chunks no longer have to be grouped by type or in any particular order. (Martin)
- ReadThis chunks are now shown together with EndArt chunks. No more ReadThis button or View menu.
- Added View->VGAGRAPH Chunks
- FIX: Ctrl+PageUp/PageDn no longer skips over the last view mode.
- Compiling VSWAP will no longer reports greater than 100% completion when adding data chunks.
- Compiling VSWAP with wall graphics added at the end of the wall images now works.
- Unnecessary icons and other images were remove to reduce the EXE file size by 150k!
- Added VGAGRAPH chunks are now show as "VGAGRAPH: NEW" in the upper right instead of their compiled location.
- To view compiled VGAGRAPH chunk locations, go to View->VGAGRAPH Chunks.
- The folder "C:\WDC Backup Folder" will no longer be created when opening a "View Only" project.
- No more graphic debris when trying to load a corrupt GAMEMAPS file.
- Compiling VGAGRAPH now checks to make sure that the width of added BMPs are a multiple of 4.
- Other minor bug fixes.
1.5.x Releases
- Compiling the GAMEMAPS now uses CarmackCompression to make the file even smaller.
- No more CopyFileIfNoThere errors when adding an output folder to a previously-saved read-only project.
- Now writes handled errors to 'Error.log'. I thought I had done this before, but somehow that code got lost.
1.4.x Releases
- The SaveMapUndo error has hopefully been eliminated. (Hair Machine)
- The Map Tools menu no longer becomes enabled after compiling GAMEMAPS while not viewing the maps.
- No more error 91 for first-time installations. (Loki)
- SaveMapUndo errors will now return a line number in hopes of tracking down exactly what caused the error. (Hair Machine)
- You are no longer asked to create a project as soon as you start WDC for the very first time.
- Things are enabled/disabled when they should be.
- Error handling has been improved in hopes of tracking down the pesky bug that Hair Machine mentioned in the DieHard Wolfers Forums
- No longer constantly says 'base and output folders cannot be the same' on the Project Information screen. (Hair Machine)
- BMPs that are converted to 8-bit can now be saved to a file (Edit->Save New Image As 8-Bit).
- WAV files are now exported correctly.
- Added more AUDIOT export file types: *.pc, *.adl, and *.dgi.
- Added a multiple chunk export function to the file menu.
- Now handles file-related errors better. (Hair Machine).
- WDC can now convert 4- and 24-bit BMPs to 8-bit BMPs. To turn off this feature, go to File->Preferences. (Martin)
- WDC no longer directly opens the BMP editor for Signon.BMP. Instead, you are now allowed to simply export and import it.
- The map/object tile list now remembers where you were at for each list and remembers your plane 3 selections correctly.
- Fixed a bug while compiling VGAGRAPH that was introduced in v1.4.142
- Fixed a bug that caused the program to bomb for people who just installed WDC. (Ringman)
- WDC can now view Commander Keen 4-6 files (with CatBuster's help).
- CatBuster should now find UNP.EXE and no longer stay in memory if a problem occurs while trying to run it.
- CatBuster now extracts AUDIODCT and AUDIOHED files.
- Catacomb and Commander Keen AUDIO files can now be read.
- Now supports Catacomb files (EGAGRAPH). Special thanks to Andrew Durdin! You must first use the CatBuster on the game's EXE. (Ringman)
- EGAGRAPH compression is NOT currently supported.
- FIX: Ctrl-PageUp/PageDn will no longer try to go to disabled frames.
- If you insert a file when a replacement file already exists, the dialog will start in the previous file's folder.
- "Export to File" is no longer enabled when on an added data chunk (one that does not exist in the original data files).
- FIX: Importing to the map clipboard wasn't working.
- Some code cleaning with how pictures, walls, and sprites are displayed as well as their replacement images.
- ADDED: Show Tile Objects to the map information screen so that turning points, starting points, secrets, and end game levels can be toggled separate from the static objects.
- The map information amounts will become red if you put too many of that type on the map and orange if you're close to the maximum.
- Error handling is a bit better now.
- FIX: File->Save as BMP now works when the map contains unknown symbols.
- ADDED: Ctrl+G now toggles the tile graphics/information view.
- Shortcut keys for map information, walls, objects, and plane 3 are now Ctrl+Alt+I,1-3 instead Alt+Shift+I,1-3.
- FIX: Removing maps now completely removes the maps instead of leaving empty maps.
- FIX: Edit->Copy/Cut/Paste/Clipboard now appears only when it is valid.
- FIX: Edit->Add Chunk to End appears everytime it should.
- MEDC (MapEdit Data Comvertor) is now included in the install package so that MapEdit MAPDATA and OBJDATA files can be converted to WDC's format.
- Added a most recently used list to the file menu.
- "TED5v1.0" is now written at the beginning of GAMEMAPS so that MapEdit can open the files.
- Canceling the project information screen when some required data is missing no longer exits the program.
- Map Data File selection was added to the Project Information screen to accommodate multiple files for the same extension. To set up a second map data file, follow the example provided using the Corridor 7 Disk and CD map data files.
- Fixed a bug that caused digital sounds to be lost when adding walls and sprites.
- Can now view Tile8s.
- Wolf v1.0 map files (MAPTEMP.*) are now supported.
- Other games have limited support: Wolf3d Alpha, Operation BodyCount, Blake Stone 1 and 2, and Corridor 7.
- Can now set a default palette so that the graphics from the other games can be viewed correctly even without their GAMEPAL.OBJ.
1.3.x Releases
- Fixed a bug that caused the last sprite to be blank and a bunch of sparse sounds to be loaded when loading from a FloEdit-extended VSWAP file.
- Fixed VGAGRAPH and VSWAP compilation bugs that would occur when there was a lot of added data, such as with Spear Resurrection.
- Added buttons that clear entries on the Project Information screen.
- Changed a lot of icons on the Project Information screen.
- Added some icons to the program.
- Fixed a bug that would occur when compiling data files with added chunks.
- Added a user-definable tools menu.
- It now checks for a MAPTEMP file if GAMEMAPS is not found. However, MAPTEMP files do not work yet.
- It is now easier to browse data. If now output folder is defined in the project information screen, WDC will be in read-only mode.
- The map count screen now works with plane 3. NOTE: The plane 3 list only appears when it has something in it.
- Added the "Draw Plane 3" checkbox to the map information frame.
- File->Save Map as BMP can now save plane 3.
- VGAGRAPH.SOD and .SDM should load correctly now.
- Maps with a lot of unknown tile graphics are now drawn correctly.
- Corrected a few guard directions in WDCMapData.WL6.
- Corrected the guard graphic numbers in WDCMapData.SOD and WDCMapData.SDM.
- Other minor bug fixes.
- BUG FIX: Fixed a problem with non-FloEdit extended VGAGRAPH files caused by the fix in 1.3.109.
- BUG FIX: An overflow error would sometimes occure while compiling the VSWAP Sounds.
- Major code rewriting in WolfData.DLL with regard to plane data. This rewrite can easily be expanded to more than 3 map planes, if necessary.
- FIX: Now correctly loads picture information from heavily FloEdit-extended VGAGRAPH files, such as Spear Resurrection. (MCS)
- Editing of the thrid plane.
- New export map format (2.0). The older format still works.
- BUG FIX: Replacement EndScreen file names did not show.
- BUG FIX: Edit->Edit Data is enabled when it should be.
- BUG FIX: Edit->Use Original Data is enabled when it should be.
- No longer attempts to find the default BMP and WAV editor. It can only find the default viewer (not the editor).
1.2.x Releases
- No more 'Path not found' errors when trying to edit SIGNON.OBJ. (GammaRay)
- Rotate and Flip now adjust guard, turning point, starting point, and door directions if you have "Edit->Adjust Object / Door Directions" checked.
- The MapData file structure changed, so this is now 1.2.
- Old MapData files should work, but rotate and flip will not affect the standing guards or starting points.
1.1.x Releases
- Added: Rotate and Flip to the Map Tools menu.
- Replacement files with paths larger that the text boxes allow are no shown using an ellipsis so that the filename can be seen.
- Added: SIGNON.OBJ editing capabilities.
- Added: GAMEPAL.OBJ editing capabilities.
- BUG FIX: Edit->Edit Data would be enabled when it shouldn't be. (Ripper, Chris)
- Silver key map definition fixed for WL6 files. No more missing silver key errors when it's on the map. (Chris)
- There are now 8 levels of map zoom.
- Added: Map Zoom - 4 levels (Chris)
- Added: Ability to set up your Code Editor.
- Added: Bosses can have keys so that "Key #1 missing" does not appear for Hans, etc. (Chris)
- BUG FIX: No more "Run-time error 9: subscript out of range" errors when dragging a wall below the last line. (Chris)
- "Help->Contents" works again. (Chris)
- Window is now sizeable. (Chris)
- "Edit->Export to File" added. Same as "File->Export to File" (Chris)
- "Edit->Insert File" and "Edit->Use Original Data are now buttons beside the replacement file name boxes (Chris)
- BUG FIX: Now creates the temp folder so that "Run-time error 76: Path not found" errors are not thrown. (Ripper, Chris)
- Install package now detects the presence of the VB runtime DLLs.
- Added: Tile Graphics view.
- The MapData file structure changed, so this is now 1.1.
- Old MapData files should work.
1.0.x Releases
- BUG FIX: Things such as drawing floors when floors weren't being shown would cause the new floors to be shown.
- Added: Statistics page to show how many chunks of each type have been replaced or added.
- Added: A BMP and WAV editor can be set up so that they can be called directly from WDC.
- Added: Map dimensions can be anywhere from 32x32 to 128x128 (these limits can probably be changed). (GammaRay)
- Added: WDC Map File format for multiple maps. They store the name and the map dimensions.
- BUG FIX: Object types of "Level 3 Guard (Standing)" and later were messed up.
- WolfData.dll has been cleaned up to reduce the file size tremendously.
- BUG FIX: "Save Map as BMP" now works again and writes to a 16 Color BMP file.
- BUG FIX: Would crash when creating the initial project after installing. (GammaRay)
- BUG FIX: Help file wouldn't load from help menu. (GammaRay)
- Added Map Tool: Clear Map (Random).
- Some more minor bug fixes and changes.
- Added Map Tools: 'Clear Map'.
- You get to choose which one to copy when the extension's WDCMapData does not exists.
- I also made a correction to WDCMapData.WL6 and fixed the installer.
- Quick fix.
- The multiple map export screen now has a title.
- Other cosmetic changes and code cleaning.
- Can now export multiple maps into one file.
- Updated the help file with pictures.
- The font viewer and editor now show all 256 characters.
0.9.x Releases
- BUG FIX: The wall and font screens had stopped working.
- The map edit has been beefed up.
- Can now cut/copy/paste and has a clipboard viewer.
- Undo/redo is now a map-per-map process.
- Symbol loading is much faster.
- Menu keys now work while the mouse is over the map.
- More stable than the last.
- Can easily change the number of maps.
- BUG FIX: Project files would become concatenated using File-Open.
- Added the ability to add new data chunks. Not thoroughly tested.
- Added error checking for compiling sprites, inserting non-256 color BMPs and incorrect WAVs.
- BUG FIX: VGADICT was not copied to the output folder.
- Now uses an NSIS install instead of WW3DInstall.
- First public release with editing capabilities.
- Fixed a bug dealing with fonts.
- Name changed from WinWolf3DEdit to WDC.
- Incorporates the whole project paradigm.
0.x Releases
- This version will include font viewer. (No editing... yet.)
- Map names can be changed. (GammaRay)
- Corrects bug with setting turning point directions.
- Error checking now looks at:
- Checks moving guard paths to make sure that they are complete
- Make sure locked doors have the proper keys and keys don't exist without the locked door
- Obj/Map data file structure changed.
- Added auto-flooring.
- Added error checking.
- Fixed a bug that caused the wrong floor code to be picked up while editing.
- Map/object list now shows the code number.
- Worked around a problem that caused WW3DEdit to think there were 100+ sounds for some data files.
- Changed map/object data def files from {ext}.ini to WW3DEdit.{ext}.
- More easily integrates with non-standard extensions.
- Follows data files closely, so extra sprites, walls, maps, etc are shown automatically.
- Fixed a bug that caused the editor to crash if you edit a map after saving the project.
- Added unlimited Undo/Redo.
- Added more map tools: Filled rectangle and flood fill.
- Added map editing capabilities.
- Map tools: draw pencil and rectangle.
- Now using WinWolf3DInstall.
- Improved support for longer sounds (in SOD2/3).
- No longer tries to look at the sparse data entries of WL1 and SDM files.
4/8/2003 (First release.)
- Only a viewer.
- Works with WL6 and SOD files.