GameInfo Block

From WinWolf3D/WDC

The sounds block is a WGD block that sets up various aspects of the game.



Valid Commands


   ; Note: This uses script-defined variables.
   SetDifficulty gd_baby 	C_BABYMODEPIC
   SetDifficulty gd_easy 	C_EASYPIC
   SetDifficulty gd_medium 	C_NORMALPIC
   SetDifficulty gd_hard 	C_HARDPIC
   ; Pictures
   SetPicture pt_title		TITLEPIC
   SetPicture pt_credits	CREDITSPIC
   SetPicture pt_paused		PAUSEDPIC
   SetPicture pt_nokey		NOKEYPIC
   SetPicture pt_key1		GOLDKEYPIC
   SetPicture pt_key2		SILVERKEYPIC
   SetPicture pt_blanknum	N_BLANKPIC
   SetPicture pt_num0		N_0PIC
   SetPicture pt_firstface	FACE1APIC
   SetPicture pt_deadface	FACE8APIC
   SetPicture pt_gotgatling	GOTGATLINGPIC
   SetPicture pt_mutantface	MUTANTBJPIC
   SetPicture pt_breath1	L_GUYPIC
   SetPicture pt_breath2	L_GUY2PIC
   SetPicture pt_colon		L_COLONPIC
   SetPicture pt_inum0		L_NUM0PIC
   SetPicture pt_percent	L_PERCENTPIC
   SetPicture pt_a		L_APIC
   SetPicture pt_expoint	L_EXPOINTPIC
   SetPicture pt_apostrophe	L_APOSTROPHEPIC
   SetPicture pt_bjwins		L_BJWINSPIC
   SetPicture pt_deathcam	SPR_DEATHCAM
   SetPicture pt_hsheader	HIGHSCORESPIC
   SetPicture pt_hslevel	C_LEVELPIC
   SetPicture pt_hsname		C_NAMEPIC
   SetPicture pt_hsscore	C_SCOREPIC
   ; Sounds
   SetSound st_pushwall		PUSHWALLSND
   SetSound st_leveldone	LEVELDONESND
   SetSound st_closedoor	CLOSEDOORSND
   SetSound st_opendoor		OPENDOORSND
   SetSound st_bonustic		ENDBONUS1SND
   SetSound st_bonusother	ENDBONUS2SND
   SetSound st_bonus100		PERCENT100SND
   SetSound st_bonus0		NOBONUSSND
   SetSound st_yeah		YEAHSND
   SetSound st_noway		NOWAYSND
   SetSound st_donothing	DONOTHINGSND
   SetSound st_1up		BONUS1UPSND
   SetSound st_playerdeath	PLAYERDEATHSND
   SetSound st_menumove1	MOVEGUN1SND
   SetSound st_menumove2	MOVEGUN2SND
   SetSound st_menucancel	ESCPRESSEDSND
   SetSound st_menuconfirm	SHOOTSND
   SetSound st_hitwall		HITWALLSND
   ; Music
   SetSong mt_title		NAZI_NOR_MUS
   SetSong mt_menu		WONDERIN_MUS
   SetSong mt_intermission	ENDLEVEL_MUS
   SetSong mt_victory		URAHERO_MUS
   SetSong mt_highscores	ROSTER_MUS
   SetSong mt_readthis		CORNER_MUS
   ; Colors
   SetColor ct_menucaption	@23
   SetColor ct_selected		@13
   SetColor ct_enabled		@17
   SetColor ct_disabled		@2b
   SetColor ct_background	@2d
   SetColor ct_border		@23
   SetColor ct_readthis		@4a
   SetColor ct_selreadthis	@47
   SetColor ct_backhighscore	@29
   ; Fonts
   SetFont ft_menu		2
   SetFont ft_endart		1
   SetFont ft_highscore		1
   ; Read this
;   SetReadThis	T_HELPART